Wednesday, March 9, 2016


 Dear Grammarman,

I am writing to tell you some comments about your videos!

Well, your videos are great but to your next mission you can make a more exciting 

adventure!The videos have got a lot of imagination!I want to see all your super videos 

but I don't have much free time. I am impatient to see your next video!I am trying to

be more careful with grammar!You are the best in grammar!My last comment for you.

Add some more bad grammarmen or grammarmen!But of course you must have the

first role!Because no one can be like you and no one can be better than you at grammar!


With love and admiration


REMINDER:Don't forget to follow my advice!


  1. Hi, Marianthi! I'm glad you enjoyed my videos. Thanks for all your advice. I'll try to use some of your ideas in future stories.

  2. Thans for your replay Grammarman!At your next adventure you can add more funny moments to be better the video and more interesting.I saw your first videos and I liked them.You are so,great at grammar.Of the three first episods I think that the episod number 3 was the best!Because that video was more funny and it was have a lot imagine!I am very imratient to see your next one videos!

  3. Hi, Marianthi. The next thing I'm working on is a new set of comic templates for students to make their own stories. They're in full colour and coming soon.

  4. wow I will see it! I am so impatient to see it!!
