The council is planning to build a new hotel in my neighbourhood in the next months . Our neighbourhood is a quiet area with a lot of traditional shops next to the beach .
Reasons to build a hotel
First of all, building a hotel is a nice idea to promote the development of a piece of land. It is going to bring more tourists , so the shops will have more profit . There are going to be a lot of new jobs and most people of the city will have work
Reasons not to build a hotel
Because most of the visitors will have their own car, the traffic will be heavier . Consequently, the pollution will get worse . The life of the traditional people will change , because of the foreign influences.
My opinion
(Best heading: Recommendations and Suggestions)
My opinion about the development of this area is positive because I think the advantages are more than the disadvantages.
(Meeting of the residents? Petition?)
That was a good effort George, but you must be careful with importand spelling mistakes (land, neighbourhood, consequently). Also, remember to write as many sentences as possible to explain why you are saying this to your readers. :-)